Progetti - PIC


18-pin miniBoard


Do it !

Simple. The following is the image of the single layerpcb (copper side view) 

and the component's layout:

SCALE 2:1 


Here you can download the c.s. in. pdf, scale 1:1.

The only point that may be critical is the group of jumpers in the processor socket, which are close together, but not impossible. And limiting resistors for LEDs that are SMD. However were used components 1206, to which with a soldering iron tip end, it is possible to weld them without a microscope and without problems.

NOT ALL components must mount: you can install what you think of those who use and add the rest later. For example LED and its strengths, reset button, resistance of RB4, internal test points may be omitted if not required.
In the prototype in the photo were used hooves of the contacts of a tulip for the 'area of ​​the clock, so as to be able to quickly replace the various components and switch from one oscillator to' another. Of course, if you decide for a fixed type of oscillator, this is useless.

The PCB is single copper was chosen so to be able to make at home: by photographic moment ago, not having parts critically thin.

The first prototype, starting from the master, took less than 2 hours to complete; shown in the picture is the final version with solder and screen printing.

This printed circuit board will fit not only for hundreds of experience, to be used both on the breadboard or as a component of other circuits, but also as a central unit for prototyping.
Totally unnecessary to remember the rules for good soldering: soldering iron with a fine tip isolated, max 20 W, tin 40/60 quality, 1 mm or less (if not new-but-bad solder under Rhos), non-recovered 200 times, etc..

If you think you interchange several times the processor will be required to use a socket with tulip contacts and strictly avoid clogs low quality.

Components list.
The table shows the 'parts list.
Some components are shown as optional and will depend from 'user insert or less depending of' application choice
Parte Componente Funzione OPZ. Note
IC1 Zoccolo tulipano 18 pin Supporto PIC no Di buona qualitą
Q1 Quarzo HC49 o risonatore ceramico a tre pin Xtal per oscillatore si Dipende dalla configurazione voluta
D2 BAT42 o resistenza 1K 1/4W Separazione di ICSP si Solo se si usa il reset
LED1-3 Rosso 2x5 mm Test si Led di segnalazione
LED4 Verde 2x5 mm Test si Led di segnalazione
C1 Multistrato 0.1 uF - 50 V passo 2.54 Disaccoppiamento alimentazione no Necessari per la stabilitą
C2 Elettrolitico 4.7 UF tantalio o Al - 10 V no
C4 Ceramico passo 2.54 Per oscillatore a cristallo si Typ. 18-27 pF con quarzo
Non necessario con oscillatore
C5 Ceramico passo 2.54 Per oscillatore a cristallo
Per rete oscillatore RC
si Typ. 18-27 pF con quarzo
Non necessario con oscillatore ceramico
Per RC il valore dipende dalla frequenza voluta
C6 Multistrato 0.1 uF - 50 V  Per il reset si Non installato se non si usa reset
R1-4 SMD 1206 - 680 ohm Limitazione corrente LED si Valore tra 1k e 470 ohm dipendente dalla sensibilitą dei LED
Da installare se montati i LED
R5 Resistenza 1/4 W - 10 K Pull up del reset si Typ. 10 k - non installata se non si usa MCLR
R6 Resistenza 1/4 W - 4k7 Pull-up o pull down per PGM si Valore tra 1k e 100 k
Da installare se usato PGM o per test
R7 Resistenza 1/4 W R per oscillatore RC si Valore dipendente dalla frequenza voluta
Reset Pulsante NO per cs Reset manuale si Non installato se non si usa reset manuale
J1 6 pin 2.54 Connettore ICSP no Per programmazione on-board e debug in-circuit
J2 10/22 pin passo 2.54 Connettore esterno no Per inserzione su breadboard o collegamento a circuiti esterni
JP1 jumper 3 pin passo 2.54 Per PGM o test si Da installare se usato PGM o per test
JLed 4 pin passo 2.54 Per connessioni ai LED si Da installare se montati i LED





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Aggiornato il 10/11/12.